Tuesday, February 08, 2005

My Birthday

Today is my birthday. It seems like any other day to me, especially since I'm at work. At least I have off Friday to spend a long weekend skiing. If any of you forgot about my birthday and are looking for a last minute gift, I have compiled a nice wish list just for such an occasion. If nothing there tickles your fancy a beer will do. I'm married now, I can't just go around tickling people's fancies anymore... ;-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

And a Happy Birthday to you ... I just took out aljones.us (after finding all you guys had the other aljones' sewn up). There's nothing there yet, but had to go see who the rest of my namesakes are. There must be something in the name as it seems as if most of us are techies after some fashion or the other!


9:11 PM  

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